AI for Industries: case studies, technologies, solutions — list of related articles

Marcin Rojek
8 min readOct 21, 2020


This is a table of contents I’ve created to help you easily navigate through my blog posts where I mostly describe deployments and research and development efforts related to byteLAKE’s AI products for Manufacturing, Automotive, Paper, Chemical, and Energy sectors. You will find here links to articles describing how cameras and image analytics enable precise visual inspection for Manufacturing, and how microphones are used to perform sound analytics, enabling proactive maintenance for Automotive.

But that’s not all — this blog also explores how we harness AI to enhance experiences, such as offering self-checkout solutions for Restaurants and object recognition solutions for Retail businesses. You will also learn how to leverage AI for advanced predictive maintenance, detecting risky situations and triggering alarms or seamlessly turn data from various sources (IoT sensors, documents, online weather forecasts, etc.) into actionable information for better decisions.

Keep in mind that I’ll continue to update the list below with fresh insights and discoveries, so stay tuned for more. Enjoy!

What is Cognitive Services?

Unlock the full potential of Industry 4.0 with our comprehensive suite of AI solutions.

• Manufacturing: Employ image analytics for precise visual inspection of processes, parts, components, and products, ensuring impeccable quality control and minimizing errors. Learn more at

• Automotive: Harness sound analytics to assess and analyze the quality of car engines, enabling proactive maintenance and preventing potential issues. Discover more at

• Paper Industry: Implement advanced cameras to continuously monitor the papermaking process, accurately detecting and analyzing the wet line. Optimize production, reduce waste, and enhance efficiency. Explore further at

• Data Insights: Leverage our AI module for advanced predictive maintenance, detecting risky situations and triggering alarms. Seamlessly turn data from various sources (IoT sensors, documents, online weather forecasts, etc.) into actionable information for better decisions. Learn more at:

• Restaurants / Retail: Simplify and expedite the checkout process with our solution for self-checkout stations. Our AI module can recognize meals and groceries effortlessly, sending the list directly to the cashier’s machine for efficient self-checkout. Shorten queues and wait times, elevating customer satisfaction. Learn more at

Experience the future of AI-driven excellence. Discover more about byteLAKE’s Cognitive Services at

Table of Contents (latest at the bottom)


  1. Machine Vision, how AI brings value to industries
  2. Cognitive Automation helps where RPAs fall short
  3. Edge AI, Federated Learning, Computer Vision
    Presentation from the webinar
    Video recording
  4. Revolution in factories: Industry 4.0.
    (conference: Made in Wroclaw 2020)

    Video recording (in Polish, English subtitles)
    • Presentation in English, in Polish
  5. AI-accelerated Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations (blog post series)
  6. Backoffice tasks automation: AI for document processing
  7. Recording of “Rapid Bytes, Big Insights” webinar.
    An Eye For Quality Control
  8. byteLAKE’s Cognitive Services, AI for Industry 4.0
    — Nov’20 announcement
    Related presentation on SlideShare (Polish version here)
  9. AI-assisted real-time visual monitoring for paper production (paper industry) (Polish version here)
  10. byteLAKE’s Cognitive Services product presentation and case study for Paper Mill automation (Jan’21)
    (Lenovo’s WinterStock’21 online conference
    • webinar available on-demand: Artificial Intelligence for Industry 4.0: AI-assisted Quality Control in Manufacturing
    • video recording:
  11. Edge Computing meets Industrial IoT — webinars in March’21
  12. Be more productive with AI: AI for Industry 4.0
    (webinar, May 20th 2021)
  13. WHITEPAPER: Wet Line Detector for Paper Industry
  14. Artificial Intelligence — the driving force of Industry 4.0
    (Polish version here)
  15. PRESS RELEASE: Intel & byteLAKE develop AI for Industry 4.0
    • Related case study:
    byteLAKE’s Cognitive Services @ Intel® IoT RFP Ready Kit Solutions Playbook | by Marcin Rojek | Medium
    • byteLAKE’s Cognitive Services approved as Intel’s IoT RFP Ready Kit (link) (note: Intel® IoT RFP Ready Kits Playbook RFP Ready Kits are commercially-hardened, ready-for-customer solution kits built for scale into customer deployments)
    • byteLAKE’s Cognitive Services approved as Intel’s AI in Production solution (link)
  16. byteLAKE’s Cognitive Services — performance benchmark results:
    byteLAKE’s Cognitive Services accelerated with Intel’s OpenVINO
    — benchmark results

    • Download the report:
  17. byteLAKE’s Cognitive Services — new product structure as of Jul’22
    Time to rearrange byteLAKE’s product portfolio. Here’s the update. | by Marcin Rojek | Jul, 2022 | Medium
    Meet byteLAKE: Artificial Intelligence for Industries. AI Products for Manufacturing, Automotive, Restaurants, Paper, and Chemical Industries.
    • From ideas to products — discussion with Intel as part of Inside AI People vlog series (link)
  18. Few articles in Polish / Kilka artykułów po polsku
    • Sztuczna Inteligencja w Przemyśle: czym jest AI? Na czym polega uczenie a czym jest inferencja? Przykładowe zastosowania i opisy wdrożeń. AI + nauka = innowacje, badania, produkty. (link)
    • Sztuczna Inteligencja w Przemyśle: skąd AI wie jak coś zrobić? jak wdrożyć AI w firmie? Od czego zacząć? Ile to kosztuje? (link)
    Sztuczna Inteligencja w Biznesie — szkolenie byteLAKE
    • Zapisy na szkolenie o sztucznej inteligencji: link.
  19. AI in Manufacturing — podcast with Lenovo
    • Article: Podcast about AI — my thoughts about AI in Manufacturing | by Marcin Rojek | Medium
    • Direct link to the episode: Cognitive Vision Transforms Manufacturing | Lenovo Think AI Podcast (
  20. AI in Manufacturing: moving AI from Idea to Execution
  21. byteLAKE — AI Solutions for Industries (short) | PPT (
  22. Applying Industrial AI Models to Product Quality Inspection:
  23. How AI Models Can Transform Industrial Applications | by Marcin Rojek | Medium
  24. byteLAKE: AI Solutions for Industries. Quality Inspection. Data Insights. AI-accelerated CFD. Self-Checkout. | by Marcin Rojek | Sep, 2023 | Medium
    • Download benchmark:
    • OpenVINO™ benchmark:
  25. Mini-series summarizing byteLAKE’s demos at SC23 conference in Denver, Colorado
    AI is everywhere, but what more can it bring to Manufacturing and Automotive in specifics? Explore these AI solutions during the SC23 conference in Denver, Colorado. | by Marcin Rojek | Oct, 2023 | Medium
    Accelerating Time to Insights for Automotive — Live Demo and Presentation at SC23 in Denver, Colorado. | by Marcin Rojek | Nov, 2023 | Medium
    Automated Quality Inspection for Automotive — AI in Action | by Marcin Rojek | Nov, 2023 | Medium
  26. Edge AI Software Market Worth $1.1 Billion in 2023 Projected to Hit $4.1 Billion by 2028: Trends & Analysis by Offering, Data Type, Vertical, and Region ( Learn more about Edge AI:
  27. More articles in Polish / Nowe artykuły po polsku
    Sztuczna inteligencja (SI) wdziera się coraz bardziej do życia codziennego i biznesu, automatyzując procesy, poprawiając efektywność i usprawniając pracę biurową. Monitoruje jakość, optymalizuje zużycie energii i przewiduje awarie maszyn. Jak z niej skorzystać? O tym kilka słów na blogu:
    Sztuczna Inteligencja to już nie tylko modne hasło. W wielu branżach przemysłu zadomowiła się na dobre. | by Marcin Rojek | Feb, 2024 | Medium
    Szybkie fundusze dla MŚP na projekty dot. Sztucznej Inteligencji (SI) | by Marcin Rojek | Jan, 2024 | Medium
    Sztuczna Inteligencja — co konkretnie ma do zaoferowania w biznesie? | by Marcin Rojek | Feb, 2024 | Medium
    Sztuczna Inteligencja? TAK! Wdrażamy! Tylko… od czego zacząć? | by Marcin Rojek | Mar, 2024 | Medium
  28. Navigating Industrial AI: Unlocking Potential without Breaking the Bank | by Marcin Rojek | Jan, 2024 | Medium
  29. Industrial AI — what is it? — Marcin Rojek — Medium
    What is Edge AI? — Marcin Rojek — Medium
  30. Unveiling the Essence of AI: From Data to Actionable Insights | by Marcin Rojek | Mar, 2024 | Medium
    AI is… about FINDING ANSWERS in the DATA. | by Marcin Rojek | Mar, 2024 | Medium
  31. Article in Polish / Artykuł po polsku: Wdrażanie Sztucznej Inteligencji: Kluczowe Kwestie i Strategie Biznesowe | by Marcin Rojek | Mar, 2024 | Medium + additional information / uzupełnienie:
    Jak wygląda wdrożenie Sztucznej Inteligencji w Firmie? | by Marcin Rojek | Mar, 2024 | Medium
    Transformacja Biznesu dzięki Sztucznej Inteligencji: Innowacje, Oszczędności, Konkurencyjność | by Marcin Rojek | Apr, 2024 | Medium
  32. AI in Practice: from automated quality inspection to predictive maintenance and reduced energy consumption. | by Marcin Rojek | Apr, 2024 | Medium
  33. Mini Series: AI for Smart Cities, Smart Buidlings and Smart Factories:
    Unlocking the Power of AI: Transforming Data into Actionable Insights | by Marcin Rojek | Apr, 2024 | Medium
    Harnessing the Power of AI and IoT: Revolutionizing Data Insights for Industry 4.0 | by Marcin Rojek | Apr, 2024 | Medium
    Empowering Tomorrow’s World: The Fusion of IoT and AI in Smart Cities, Buildings and Factories | by Marcin Rojek | Apr, 2024 | Medium
  34. Mini Series: How to Successfully Deploy Industrial AI?
    A Comprehensive Guide to Deploying AI in Industries: From Idea to Deployment | by Marcin Rojek | Apr, 2024 | Medium
    Implementing Artificial Intelligence: Key Considerations and Business Strategies | by Marcin Rojek | Apr, 2024 | Medium
  35. More topics to be announced.

Reach out to us to learn more and test Cognitive Services!

AI-assisted Visual Inspection (manufacturing)
AI-assisted Visual Inspection (paper industry)
AI-assisted Sound Analytics (automotive)
Data Insights — AI transforming data into actionable insights
Self-Checkout for Restaurants
AI-accelerated CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)
byteLAKE’s Cognitive Services — features
byteLAKE’s Cognitive Services — benefits
byteLAKE’s Cognitive Services — delivering value across industries

AI Solutions for Industries | Quality Inspection | Data Insights | Predictive Maintenance | AI-accelerated CFD | Self-Checkout |

byteLAKE: Empowering Industries with AI Solutions. Embrace cutting-edge technology for advanced quality inspection, data insights, and more. Harness the potential of our CFD Suite, accelerating Computational Fluid Dynamics for heightened productivity. Unlock new possibilities with Cognitive Services: image analytics for precise visual inspection for Manufacturing, sound analytics enabling proactive maintenance for Automotive, and wet line analytics for the Paper Industry. Seamlessly convert data into actionable insights using Data Insights’ AI module, enabling advanced predictive maintenance and risk detection. Simplify Restaurant and Retail operations with our efficient self-checkout solution, recognizing meals and groceries and elevating customer satisfaction. Custom AI Development services available for tailored solutions. Discover more at



Marcin Rojek

Co Founder@byteLAKE | Turning Data Into Information for Manufacturing, Automotive, Paper,Chemical,Energy sectors | AI-accelerated CFD | Self-Checkout for Retail